After the Crash by Michel Bussi
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
What a disaster... I should have DNF-ed this book around page 100 or 150, when the writing became annoying... not sure if the problem was the author or the translator, but annoying nevertheless...
I don’t like when narrators give clues, click bite style, and then say “but I am greeting ahead of myself” or “but you will see what I mean”... the story was not motivating me at all, I had no sympathy by any of the characters, so those clues felt like a desperate way to keep me reading.
I also did not like as women were portrayed in general: good characters are beautiful and a body like a model (or big boobs!), bad characters a ugly and the body is weirdly developed, bitchy characters don’t want kids... [rolling my eyes]
Than, so many shots fired but no ones calls the police! A very noisy-gossipy neighbour knows all the cars parked in his block but did not hear the gunshot... oh, for Christ sake... what a waste of time...
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Eu, eu e eu, o meu umbigo, o drama da emigração e talvez ainda uns pozinhos de feminismo.
O que se passou com o International Booker Prize?
Subscrevo o calendário NYT Books e o anúncio do vencedor do International Booker estava previsto para dia 19 de Maio... mas nada!
Depois descobri: tudo adiado por causa do corona!
Gaby Wood, the foundation’s literary director, said: "After careful consideration, we’ve decided on this course of action to ensure that the shortlist, and ultimately the winner, can be celebrated at a time when readership of these exceptional novels is made easier for everyone."
[REVIEW] "The moment of lift"
The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have to confess, I was a bit worried that Melinda was going to advise me to sit at the table, not be afraid to negotiate my salary and all that crap that rich people advise others to do...
But this was surprisingly interesting! I found out we share the idea that education is the key for basically everything, overcoming poverty, family planning, freedom from absurd traditions...
I had tears in my eyes a few times, in particular the genital cutting part (21st century and we are still doing it...) so I was happy to listen to it and learn from it.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have to confess, I was a bit worried that Melinda was going to advise me to sit at the table, not be afraid to negotiate my salary and all that crap that rich people advise others to do...
But this was surprisingly interesting! I found out we share the idea that education is the key for basically everything, overcoming poverty, family planning, freedom from absurd traditions...
I had tears in my eyes a few times, in particular the genital cutting part (21st century and we are still doing it...) so I was happy to listen to it and learn from it.
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[REVIEW] "My dark Vanessa"
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I can’t believe this is a debut novel...
I listened to this on audio and Grace Gummer did an amazing job acting/reading as Vanessa, but I am pretty sure this is also amazing on paper.
I was so confused by this relationship, this obsession. At 20% I was like “is this a love story after all?” But than I saw it, i witnessed through Vanessa’s description that her interpretation was completely distorted, and the cringy parts are even worse than I imagined because the context is so well built that I was able to see her absolutely alone, vulnerable, a prey... Strane a predator, manipulative and powerful...
I am looking forward to Kate’s next book!
PS - dogs are indeed the best therapy <3 br="">
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I can’t believe this is a debut novel...
I listened to this on audio and Grace Gummer did an amazing job acting/reading as Vanessa, but I am pretty sure this is also amazing on paper.
I was so confused by this relationship, this obsession. At 20% I was like “is this a love story after all?” But than I saw it, i witnessed through Vanessa’s description that her interpretation was completely distorted, and the cringy parts are even worse than I imagined because the context is so well built that I was able to see her absolutely alone, vulnerable, a prey... Strane a predator, manipulative and powerful...
I am looking forward to Kate’s next book!
PS - dogs are indeed the best therapy <3 br="">
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