[REVIEW] On Immunity

On Immunity: An InoculationOn Immunity: An Inoculation by Eula Biss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Imagine you are a scientist (like me) and you read a book about vaccination written by a poet (like Eula Biss)... Now imagine you would stop several times along the book reading to think "How come I cannot write science like this?"
Can you imagine how I am feeling right now?

Well, I have to be honest, the book is not about science only, it explores a lot of scientific concepts, but it´s essentially an exploration of the vaccination subject: the origin of the word, the concept of strange bodies entering our body, conscientious objectors, individualism, public health, pollution & contamination...
I did not feel influenced by the writing or by the author´s opinion, but I have to be honest, my opinion on this subject is too strong to be influenced by anyone... so you might feel differently while you are reading it.
Nevertheless, the language is so rich, and the book travels so far and visits so many new places, you should give it a chance!

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Tive 1 semana de férias em tempo de COVID e andei satisfeita por estar em férias e triste por andar pela vizinhança e não poder aspirar a outras paragens...
Depois comecei a fazer contas. Não há nada pior do que pegar numa folha de excel e fazer contas... contas à vida!
Contei e apontei os lugares que quero visitar. Contei as horas de trabalho por semana, e as horas de lazer. Contei anos de vida. E contei os anos que me separam de uma coisa que eu gostava muito de fazer e já não faço. A "coisa" é escrever e passaram-se 15 anos.
São 15 anos de novas rotinas, novos hobbies e responsabilidades. É quase uma nova vida! Será que vale a pena sequer tentar?

[REVIEW] A little history of philosophy

A Little History of PhilosophyA Little History of Philosophy by Nigel Warburton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am a scientist and never really managed to like philosophy until very recently (when my interest for neurology touched philosophy). And this was exactly what I needed. It gave me a short summary of all "famous" philosophers and managed to connect them along the way. Super accessible!

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[REVIEW] The Complete MAUS

The Complete Maus (Maus, #1-2)The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book doesn't need introductions. It also doesn't need any review from me: it's one of the highest rated books on Goodreads, it won the Pulitzer prize... I mean, do you really need an excuse to read this?
But here is what I would like to share with you: read this, and read more. You might fall in love with reading, if you're not already there. Some experts suggest we are already forgetting that the Holocaust really happened, some schools would like to remove the subject from history books becasue it's not appropriate to children...
Please, read this, share it with your friends and family and make sure Humanity willl never forget one of the darkest episodes of its History.

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