My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I had already read somewhere that Social Media was not making people happier or smarter, but watching The Social Dilema on Netflix was still shocking...
That's what motivated me to read this book and the introduction of the book is very familiar to the Netflix documentary.
The big (and good) difference, is that this book gives us techniques to stay way from the ("evil") apps and also to replace the doom-scroll time by meaningful activities.
What amazed me the most was the benefits of solitude - I made fun of myself so many times for being "anti-social" and trying to avoid people, in particular when I needed to think. I always had a journal since I was a kid and never understood why in tough moments in life, I immediately turn to writing. Or crafting, painting mandalas, making paper flowers. All these actions calm me down but I never had read an explanation for this before, so it was very insightful!
The last part of the book describes several techniques to incorporate technology in life, while paying attention to the time spent using these technologies, and they all make sense.
We should control technology, not the other way around.
If you have social media apps installed in your phone, you should read this book.
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